3rd Annual LEO Luau
July 27, 2024
EGP Oceanside, Oceanside NY
Please join Law Enforcement Officers Weekend and our law enforcement partners as we host the 3rd Annual LEO Luau on Saturday, July 27th at EGP in Oceanside, NY.
This laid back, Hawaiian themed gala will highlight all of the amazing feats our local, state and federal law enforcement officers accomplish daily; from acts of bravery to community service and everything in between! A night of great food and drinks, live music, camaraderie and awards, this will be an event you will not want to miss!
No need to dress to impress, this beach-style gala allows you to kick back and relax while you wear comfortable luau-cocktail attire. Hawaiian shirts, floral dresses and sandals are encouraged!
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Contact Zachary Grunther at ZGrunther@LEOWeekend.com or by phone at (516) 509-1824.